Modern Gentlemen …

I suppose if one must be a boar, being the biggest one around deserves some merit.

… cannot abide bores. Generally speaking, these are people raised — either by their own standards or those of another — too wealthy to be gritty but not wealthy enough to be flippant.

Some Gentleman Cannot Choose Their Battles

“Forgive me, my friend, that I led thee to seem as mad as myself, making thee fall into the same error I myself fell into, that there were and still are knights-errant in the world.” — Don Quixote

I return this week with tales of my adventures abroad.

Modern Gentlemen …

As a blogger, I sometimes have felt like a zombie in “Dawn of the Dead” (1978): A hollow representation of life trying to maintain a semblance of normality. Worse, I have the audacity to provide readers advice on a subject with which I have some knowledge but little experience. So perhaps by writing less, I’ll have more to write.

… , having blogged daily for more than a year,  feel justified posting once a week from now on.

St. Louis

A modern gentleman is leaving now for a weekend in America’s greatest city.

If you need him, he will be the man drinking a Schlafly and eating an Imo’s Pizza under the Arch.


It might surprise some to learn that I listen to Sean Hannity in the car, and it might be even more surprising that I get something out of his show and sometimes find myself agreeing with his points — with a few caveats. I will not listen today, waiting until he cools off a little to state his arguments clearly.

So interested was a modern gentleman in the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the Affordable Care Act, he could not sleep, rising early to doze through a painful, yet much-hyped, interview between Ann Curry and Matthew McConaughey and watch Pete Williams struggle to be a reporter.

Still, he got the headline: The court did what the court was intended to do and adhered to the principle of stare decisis, exhibiting restraint and providing an example to all during politically tumultuous times.